Master Course in EASE®
Version 4.4

Course overview
The Master Course in EASE® (Version 4)
  • On-Demand Course
  • English 🇬🇧
  • Emad El-Saghir |About Instructor
  • 25 Hours
  • Captioned
  • Assessment
  • Certified EASE®️ User
  • Discounted if bundled with other courses!

What's Included?

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48-Week Accessibility
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60-Day Training EASE License
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About This Course

EASE® is currently believed to be the most popular commercially available acoustic simulator, which is widely used in many parts of the world.
This online course addresses comprehensively the acoustical simulation platform and elaborates on the theory behind the tool, the details, the tips and tricks.
The course is the result of the instructors's many years of building and teaching EASE® classes for AFMG® Technologies GmbH in Germany as well as in many other countries. It comprises his experience with learners coming from different knowledge levels, backgrounds and interests.
A Training License - EASE® 4.4 with EARS and AURA modules valid for 60 days shall be provided for the training purposes with the course to each learner.
The material will be accessible online for enrolled learners for 48 weeks from the date of enrolment or from the date of releasing the full course material, whichever is later.


Upon completion of the course, the learners will
  • possess the needed theoretical background in acoustics and loudspeakers for using EASE® efficiently,
  • understand the modular architecture of EASE® and the functions of the different program modules,
  • learn the properties of the different items in an EASE® model,
  • be trained in the principal modeling methods in EASE® and many other tips and tricks,
  • know the tools for exchanging EASE® models with other software programs,
  • establish an understanding of the program database, particularly materials and sources,
  • investigate/compare the calculation methods, their limits and degrees of accuracy, and
  • evaluate and interpret the simulation results in order to conclude design decisions.

For Whom?

This course is intended for those, who are involved in the planning and verification of room acoustics, sound reinforcement, public address, and voice alarm systems.
It is not a prerequisite that the learners come to the course with a profound acoustic background, which would be helpful of course, but it is assumed that the learners have a reasonable level of engineering general knowledge and understand the basic definitions and terminology.

What is a

Certified EASE®️ User?

This course is certified by AFMG Technologies GmbH, which is the result of a long history of successful cooperation and mutual trust between the instructor and AFMG Technologies GmbH.

The learner's certification for this course is based on an assessment scheme, which consists of a final test project plus possibly numerous quizzes and other assignments.

If a learner finishes them successfully, the “Certified EASE®️ User” certificate will be issued by

This certification is different from the simple certificate of attendance that does not reflect, how well the course was perceived and absorbed by the learner.

However, the CEU certificate, like any other certificate, does not guarantee either that the certified person's use of EASE will be correct and reliable when the certified person uses EASE for any specific purpose/project.
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The CEU certificate represents one more important step towards better judgment and recognition of the EASE users' knowledge and skills as far as using the simulation tool is concerned.

This certification is offered now for EASE 4.4, and shall be extended to cover the new EASE 5-FE in the next few months.
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